man walking through forest

Member Group Events

Permaculture Noosa - Club Night

Tuesday 6 February 2024

Permaculture Noosa

Our guest speaker for February is well-known local figure Terri Waller who is the Managing Director of SevGen and Galeru Forever Fruits and Flowers Social Enterprise visionary. SevGen is short for Seven Generations which is an Indigenous way of thinking that says our actions of today, will affect seven generations into the future. It is an Indigenous Corporation founded in 2012 to support community development through a range of social enterprises, all of which have learning at the core for those of us who have been ‘dis’sed: disconnected, disenfranchised, disempowered people who are seeking a deeper meaning and sense of purpose in their lives.

One of its projects is Galeru, which is a bush tucker orchard property in Cooroy acquired by SevGen in 2021. Terri will be speaking on the Galeru Forever Fruits and Flowers Social Enterprise and particularly the Galeru Masterplan and their progress under it. She will also be inviting a PN subgroup to be Galeru guardians of the nursery.

Come along to hear from an inspirational speaker with a big vision and impressive track record of achievements. Terri will also include an “Ask Me Anything” session at the end of her presentation, so start thinking about your questions!


Location: Memorial Hall, Cooroy

Doors open at 6:00 pm.

Markets: Plants, Seeds, Produce, Library Books and more!

At 6:30 pm our presentation begins.

Raffle: Our community raffle is a community effort. Please bring anything you wish to donate to the raffle, whether it be excess produce, homemade goodies or little crafty bits and bobs! Please place any items in the box inside the front door.

Supper: Dahl ($6/bowl) and Chai ($4 bottomless cup, keep cups welcome!) will be for sale on the night plus we welcome you to bring a plate to share for a snack and chat together after the meeting.

Entry is a $5 donation for non-members. There is no charge for members.

Do consider bringing friends or neighbours to our meetings. It’s how we grow the group and may be inspiring to them as well. As always, you will leave the meeting better informed and hopefully better connected to others in the community!

To find out more, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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