Protect Our Regional Inter-Urban Break

Help protect our region's signature 'Glass House Mountains to Pumicestone Passage Green Belt' by telling the Queensland State Government to give statutory protection of the entire extent of the Regional Inter-Urban Break.

What is the Regional Inter-Urban Break?

Often referred to as the gateway to the Sunshine Coast, the Regional Inter-urban Break separates the Sunshine Coast region from the Greater Brisbane area. This important and irreplaceable green space extends from the hinterland and rural areas surrounding the iconic Glass House Mountains in the west to the stunning internationally recognised RAMSAR-listed Pumicestone Passage and coastline in the east. It contributes significantly to the region's natural environment and unique landscapes, which are the foundations of the Sunshine Coast way of life. It also has significant cultural heritage values and First Nations identity. With its close proximity to major urban centres, the Regional Interurban Break is one of South East Queensland’s main places where people can enjoy nature and water-based recreation activities.

Key facts and benefits:

  • Total of 63,000 hectares located across the Sunshine Coast and Moreton Bay local government areas (LGA)
  • 32,034 hectares located within the Sunshine Coast LGA
  • Contains nationally significant landscape of the Glass House Mountains and RAMSAR-listed Pumicestone Passage
  • Contains protected areas such as National Parks, Conservation Parks and environment reserves
  • Provides habitat and bioregional corridors for native fauna and flora
  • Supports diverse ecosystems while generating vital ecosystem services
  • Provides much needed 'green relief' from the built environment
  • Includes productive farmlands and rural townships
  • Includes State Forests mostly managed for timber production (native and exotic)
  • Includes significant cultural heritage places and landscapes important to our First Nation Peoples
  • Provides opportunities for local agricultural production and forestry, increasing food security and local employment
  • Offers unique tourism opportunities to contribute to the region’s natural attractions

What's needed & why

Statutory Protection

The RIUB is threatened by uses and impacts which are incompatible with and would destroy its outstanding values and benefits.

With the Sunshine Coast’s growing population expected to reach just over 500,000 by 2041, the region needs to secure major green spaces to protect our natural assets, respond to climatic changes and provide open spaces for people to enjoy.

Avoiding the creation of new urban development areas in major regional green spaces such as the Regional Inter-urban Break is essential to ensure these important spaces are not reduced over time, large areas meet the recreational needs of a growing population and significant environments are protected in perpetuity in recognition of their value and contribution to the region’s identity and liveability. This includes the Potential Future Growth Area (PFGA) known as Halls Creek in the current SEQ Regional Plan/ShapingSEQ which Stockland is pushing as 'Aura South.' Stockland conveniently don't recognise nor accept the full extent of the RIUB and have made a pre-emptive and derisive move by referring their 'project' for referral under the EPBC Act citing only the indicative boundaries in ShapingSEQ which have be subject to further investigations. Please consider providing comment by 24 July.

As the overarching planning instrument for the SEQ and our Northern Sub-Region, the SEQ Regional Plan, which is currently under review, must provide this statutory protection. This would support the current and new Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme by locking-in conservation outcomes, protection and enhancement of bioregional and wildlife corridors and enable long-term planning for uses and activities compatible with the RIUB's significant values.  

What you can do

With the SEQ Regional Plan ('ShapingSEQ) review fast approaching, it's time to act! 

It is anticipated that a draft of an updated ShapingSEQ and the supporting South East Queensland Infrastructure Supplement (SEQIS) will be released for public consultation in August for a period of 30 business days. ShapingSEQ 2023 is due to be finalised by the end of 2023.

The protection of the Regional Inter-Urban Break and Pumicestone Passage requires community support and strong representation. Support the community groups who have formed the Protect Our Regional Inter-Urban Break Alliance (PORIUBA)


PORIUBA is an alliance of community organisations whose aim is to have statutory protection of the full extent and outstanding values of the Sunshine Coast's Regional Inter-Urban Break.

Currently, the Alliance is comprised of Take Action for Pumicestone Passage (TAPP), Caloundra Residents Association (CRA), Caloundra Liveability Alliance (CSA), Wildlife Preservation Society-Sunshine Coast & Hinterland Branch (WPSQ), the Organisation Sunshine Coast Association of Residents (OSCAR) and the Sunshine Coast Environment Council (SCEC). This Alliance collectively represents some 15,000 members and a wider community of supporters and allies, including the Sunshine Coast Council. 

For politicians, the loudest and most important voice is yours.

Talk to your neighbours, colleague and friends. It's up to current and future residents to understand the RIUB is irreplaceable and it's future is in our hands.

Help protect our region's signature 'Glass House Mountains to Pumicestone Passage Green Belt' by telling the Queensland State Government to give statutory protection of the entire extent of the Regional Inter-Urban Break.
Want more information and actions?

Take Action for Pumicestone Passage (TAPP)



ShapingSEQ Review Project Team


The Sunshine Coast Council via email or call 5475 7272 

And of course SCEC!  Contact Narelle McCarthy, Liaison & Advocacy via email:

Watch this space - there's more to come!

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