man walking through forest

Member Group Events

Namba Creek BushCare Action Bee

Saturday 17 February 2024 from 7am

This site beside the Model Rail Park in Nambour where we've been spending our happy hours planting and weeding since a year or two ago, has suddenly with a bit of consistent rain sprung into something like a young native forest. Still plenty of growing to do before it is mature and I've managed to miss including the fairly rampant weeds throughout. So there's enough here to do next Saturday without thinking too hard. We have one donated large potted Waterhousea floribunda (Syzygium floribundum) to plant and mostly we'll relieve that load of weeds here and through the site.

If you'd like to join in the fun, come in bush protective "long everything" clothing including boots/shoes and a hat. We'll have all the tools necessary, but bring your own favourites if you wish of course.
Access is through the main gate of the Model Rail Park off Florence St Nambour. You'll see us assembling from there.

We'll finish about 9am with a cuppa.

Please visit -

Regards, Norm Morwood. BCSC Coordinator.
Woombye 0409 63 99 44

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