
Local Petitions

Save Our Passage!

Petition for the Safety (Water Quality) of Our Pumicestone Passage

In January 2022, a breakthrough occurred in Northern Bribie Island, leading to changes in the water dynamics of the far northern section of Pumicestone Passage (FNSPP). As a result, this relatively pristine waterway no longer "flushes" out to the sea as it did in the past (twice a day with the outgoing tides) when the bar was adjacent to Happy Valley. This continual "flushing" ensured the safety of this section of the passage.

In the spirit of disclosure, I am a member of TAPP (Take Action for Pumicestone Passage). TAPP fully supports this e-petition and anyone wanting to enquire please ring (0412 111302).

The altered flow pattern has raised concerns about potential pollution and safety issues for water activities in the FNSPP(affected area). The blocking of the old Caloundra bar will inevitably cause this section of this pristine waterway to become polluted and not SAFE for water activities. Additionally, there could be adverse effects on the local environment, residents' way of life, and the appeal of this summer water haven as a tourist destination. This in turn will drastically affect the businesses along Bulcock Street. 

We acknowledge the challenges faced by our political representatives (State and Council) in addressing such complex issues. Instead of placing blame, we respectfully request their attention and action. The well-being of our community and the environment depends on responsible leadership and proactive measures.

We believe that with leadership and appropriate action, we can safeguard the FNSPP for future generations. Together, let's work towards a sustainable solution before it becomes too late, as the health and vitality of the environment depend on the actions we take today.

Save Our Passage!


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